Results: In the published studies, administration of D. flagrans spores resulted in statistically-significant improvements in a wide variety of parasitological parameters:-
Horses: Reductions in infective larvae on pasture up to 99% were reported (Fernandez et al., 1999b). Braga et al. (2009) reported up to 73% reduction in eggs per gram (epg) and Larsen et al. (1996) reported large reductions in worm burdens of tracer foals (88% reduction in arterial Strongylus vulgaris larvae, 96% reduction in S. edentatus larvae in flanks and kidneys, plus average 82% reduction in cyathostomes in the mucosa and 71% reduction in the dorsal lumen). Larsen et al. (1996) also reported reduced incidence of parasitosis in tracer foals and more than doubled weight gain. Reductions in larval emergence from coproculture of up to 78% were also reported (Braga et al., 2009).
Did you know: All the action takes place in the faecal pat/manure and not in the host animal